Thursday, 10 November 2016

Unsung Security Heroes

Never before in the field of Synagogue security, has so much been owed, by so many to so few. 

So, ok I've changed a couple of words from this famous statement but read on and I think you'll understand why. I write this article at the finish of Yom Kippur. Over 700 people entered, worshipped and left this site over the 4 days in complete safety. This was down to the unsung heroes of the security team. 

Now I know some of you were probably fed up of having to keep showing your ticket every time to gain entry but tell me, if you are a frequent flyer, are you ushered through security without going through the X-ray machine or having your bags checked? I think not! 

Every member from exec to council members, to people on all the committees and members alike had to produce their ticket. This is not necessarily security policy but a sign of the times. If in doubt they keep them out. 

Whilst the vast majority of people were in services, the security team were outside not only on the main gate and at the front of the buildings but out the back and down the road with constant walking patrols too. A thorough sweep of the site is now regularly carried out an hour before anyone is allowed through the gate. The ear pieces and radios worn by every security team member on duty is not for show but to make sure they are in constant contact with each other making sure every part of our site is secure to the highest level, meaning that if an evacuation or invacuation is necessary it is carried out quickly and efficiently. 

Why did I start off this piece with ‘by so many, to so few?’ Well these volunteers are on site every Friday and Saturday and all the services in between. In total they have approximately 40 people on their rota. In order for us to be safe, is it too much to ask you to add to this number? We ask for you to help two or three times a year; please email now ( to help security and give your friends and family the peace of mind that when they go to an SPS service, safety is of the utmost importance. 

- Michelle Golding

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