During October, Ruach made a trip to Oakwood Park to do Tashlich before Yom
Kippur (symbolically throwing away our mistakes from last year). There was
also an opportunity to play in the fantastic playground there.
We started by thinking of something positive that happened last year,
something positive that we want to keep with us as we go into the new
year. Then we chose a mistake or a bad habit that we wanted to get rid of, and
we threw bird seed into the water, as a symbolic way of throwing away that
negative experience. Finally, we made a resolution for the new year, something
positive for the future, and sealed the deal by eating honey cake.
Also during October, we had a visit from LJY-Netzer, who ran a fun packed
morning of activities on the theme of Sukkot. There was also an element of
training for our assistants. Thank you to Sam Alston of LJY-Netzer for planning
it all and for spending the morning with us.
During November, there will be a Book Sale for the benefit of Magen David
Adom, the charity chosen by Ruach students as this term's tzedakah
project. The Book Sale will be on 26th November, to coincide with Mitzvah Day
(see flyer). There is a Family Service on the same day, so please do come and
join us.
Now that the Hall has re-opened, our parent and toddler group, Mini-Ruach,
will be meeting regularly throughout November and December. Our pilot
sessions during September had an excellent response from SPS parents, as well
as from parents outside the SPS community. The Hall is a fantastic space for
our youngest members to play (see picture), and for parents to meet and chat,
and offer each other support.
I am delighted to report that the NLPS Trust has given
us some funding specifically to support the parent
and toddler group, so we will be buying some larger
items to supplement the very generous donations of
toys that we have already received.
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