Thursday, 24 November 2016

Simchat Torah

Rabbi Michael Standfield - Chatan Torah 

For 50 years, if not more, I was involved in the selection of Chatanim and Kallot for Simchat Torah, in the various Synagogues that I served. Yet, in all that time, I was never offered the honour, or was ever considered for it. Perhaps the belief was that, as I was involved in leading the Service, I required no greater honour. Or it could have been that I was a paid employee and, therefore, didn’t deserve it.

It was, therefore, a great surprise and an even greater pleasure to be chosen to receive this great honour of Chatan Torah, especially as I haven’t been a member for as long as many other people. However, I do see it as recognition for the time I, happily, served the community, and my general support since becoming a member.

 I wouldn’t be a typical Jew if I didn’t complain (ha ha), so my big disappointment? Where was my flag with an apple stuck on it?

I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Services, and was delighted to have some of our family members in attendance at the evening service, and one of our grandsons helping me to overcome a ‘loss of voice’ problem.

My certificate commemorating the occasion has now joined my other awards and, eventually, it will be framed and hung on the wall together with my S’micha certificate.

I should like to conclude by extending my sincere thanks to Rabbi Yuval and the Officers of the Synagogue for affording me this honour. I shall continue to be a supportive member of the congregation and enjoy the warm and friendly atmosphere.

 Phil Zeligman - Chatan Bereshit 

Like so many things, it all began with a simple phone call…. In this case it was a call from Pearl who called to ask if I would like to be one of the Chatanim for Simchat Torah. I was stunned; surely there must be another congregant who is far more deserving of the honour? Nevertheless, I accepted!

Next up was to have a meeting with the Rabbi to determine if I would be Chatan Torah or Chatan Bereshit – I am Chatan Bereshit. Then the Rabbi drops the bombshell; there are no Junior Chatanim this year, so can I read both portions? I should have asked how much the Junior Chatan Bereshit would have to read but didn’t – I just said, “Yes, no problem”.

I received a copy of the Torah and Haftarah Readings for Simchat Torah and that is when I realised that I had 31 verses to read! Time to knuckle down and start learning my first Torah reading since my Confirmation (41 years ago). I knew that I needed help and that person was Gerry Ostermeyer. I could not have read my portion without his help and encouragement. Thank you, Gerry!

The next milestone was the rehearsal with the Rabbi, 3 days before Erev Simchat Torah! I am nervous and the read through does not go as well as I had hoped. Rabbi Yuval gives me the option of just reading the first half of the portion and then he would complete the remainder. Hmmm…. it would be easier but then I have said that I would do the whole portion. Thank you Rabbi Yuval for the offer but I think I will read it all.

Furious practicing over the next 3 days and then Erev Simchat Torah arrives. I sit as Rabbi Michael Standfield (who is Chatan Torah) impressively reads his portion and I’m getting more and more nervous. Rabbi Yuval calls me up and then the spotlight is on me. “Bereshit bara Elohim” and then I’m on autopilot and before I realise it, I’m saying “vayehi-erev vayehi-voker yom hashishi”.

Mazaltov to my fellow Chatan, Rabbi Michael Standfield. My thanks to Gerry, my wife Debi, Rabbi Yuval and everyone who came along to celebrate Simchat Torah. And of course, my thanks to Pearl - it all started with a simple phone call!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Religion School News

During October, Ruach made a trip to Oakwood Park to do Tashlich before Yom Kippur (symbolically throwing away our mistakes from last year). There was also an opportunity to play in the fantastic playground there. 

We started by thinking of something positive that happened last year, something positive that we want to keep with us as we go into the new year. Then we chose a mistake or a bad habit that we wanted to get rid of, and we threw bird seed into the water, as a symbolic way of throwing away that negative experience. Finally, we made a resolution for the new year, something positive for the future, and sealed the deal by eating honey cake. 

Also during October, we had a visit from LJY-Netzer, who ran a fun packed morning of activities on the theme of Sukkot. There was also an element of training for our assistants. Thank you to Sam Alston of LJY-Netzer for planning it all and for spending the morning with us. 

During November, there will be a Book Sale for the benefit of Magen David Adom, the charity chosen by Ruach students as this term's tzedakah project. The Book Sale will be on 26th November, to coincide with Mitzvah Day (see flyer). There is a Family Service on the same day, so please do come and join us. Now that the Hall has re-opened, our parent and toddler group, Mini-Ruach, will be meeting regularly throughout November and December. Our pilot sessions during September had an excellent response from SPS parents, as well as from parents outside the SPS community. The Hall is a fantastic space for our youngest members to play (see picture), and for parents to meet and chat, and offer each other support. 

I am delighted to report that the NLPS Trust has given us some funding specifically to support the parent and toddler group, so we will be buying some larger items to supplement the very generous donations of toys that we have already received. 

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Unsung Security Heroes

Never before in the field of Synagogue security, has so much been owed, by so many to so few. 

So, ok I've changed a couple of words from this famous statement but read on and I think you'll understand why. I write this article at the finish of Yom Kippur. Over 700 people entered, worshipped and left this site over the 4 days in complete safety. This was down to the unsung heroes of the security team. 

Now I know some of you were probably fed up of having to keep showing your ticket every time to gain entry but tell me, if you are a frequent flyer, are you ushered through security without going through the X-ray machine or having your bags checked? I think not! 

Every member from exec to council members, to people on all the committees and members alike had to produce their ticket. This is not necessarily security policy but a sign of the times. If in doubt they keep them out. 

Whilst the vast majority of people were in services, the security team were outside not only on the main gate and at the front of the buildings but out the back and down the road with constant walking patrols too. A thorough sweep of the site is now regularly carried out an hour before anyone is allowed through the gate. The ear pieces and radios worn by every security team member on duty is not for show but to make sure they are in constant contact with each other making sure every part of our site is secure to the highest level, meaning that if an evacuation or invacuation is necessary it is carried out quickly and efficiently. 

Why did I start off this piece with ‘by so many, to so few?’ Well these volunteers are on site every Friday and Saturday and all the services in between. In total they have approximately 40 people on their rota. In order for us to be safe, is it too much to ask you to add to this number? We ask for you to help two or three times a year; please email now ( to help security and give your friends and family the peace of mind that when they go to an SPS service, safety is of the utmost importance. 

- Michelle Golding

Thursday, 3 November 2016

A simcha through a Rabbi's eyes

Over the years I have attended more simchas than I care to remember. At one time, I was attending at least one a week. I got to the stage where I couldn’t look a chicken in the face, having eaten too many of them. On one occasion I was so tired of the ‘papier mache’ chicken that, when I was served with it, I informed the waiter that I didn’t want it. He assured me that it was kosher and perfectly acceptable, but I was adamant, no more chicken. He disappeared into the kitchen and must have informed the catering manager that there was ‘ganser meshugganeh frummer of a Rabbi’ who was refusing to eat the chicken. He reappeared with a generous plate of smoked salmon and salads. The Rabbi must not go hungry!

 After some years in the Rabbinate, and having done a lot of peoplewatching at these simchas, it dawned on me that there were certain stereotypes that were to be found in every Jewish family and could be picked out at these occasions. 

I had the greatest sympathy for the host and hostess who had to draw up a table plan, because in most if not all Jewish families there was to be found a broigus. Auntie Sadie would not talk to Uncle Sid. Why? No-one could remember, least of all Auntie Sadie & Uncle Sid, so it was necessary to make sure they were seated as far apart as possible, where they sat and glared at each other throughout the evening.
Ballroom dancing was a must at these events, and there was always one couple who thought that they were at a Come Dancing competition. They were the only ones present, who could tango and foxtrot, and God help anyone else on the dance floor who got in their way. 

Then there was the desperate mother parading her daughter who, if Moses had seen her there would have been another Commandment. Hence the need to parade her. Surely, amongst the guests could be found a suitable husband, but often to no avail. 

It always amused me, after everyone had sat down to begin the meal, there arrived the wealthy couple of the family who would walk in, apologising profusely for their lateness, carrying a small wedding or bar mitzvah gift, which looked as if it had been picked up at a charity shop. Invariably they left early, pleading another engagement that they had to attend. In the short time that they were present, the family would fawn over them with great expectations. 

There was, of course, the middle-aged couple who would use the event as an excuse to attract the opposite sex, the wife wearing a dress that just about covered the essentials and men’s eyes wandering ravenously around the room. To complement his wife, the husband would be dressed in, what he believed to be, a with-it outfit, but in truth looked ridiculous. 

And what about the two elderly men who spent the entire evening discussing business? And the two elderly matrons trying to outdo each other as to how well their grandchildren were doing? It all helped to pass the time and was an interesting tapestry of Jewish society.

- Rabbi Michael Standfield