Thursday, 22 March 2018

Words From The Chair

Despite the rainy cold weather, I am pleased to report that the olive tree planting for Hilda Schindler went very well. The choice of an olive tree was appropriate as, in the story of Noah’s Ark, the second time the dove was sent out, it returned with an olive tree leaf. Noah associated the leaf with hope for the future, as it proved there was still dry land. During her many years of teaching, Hilda’s educational skills gave hope to countless children. It was a poignant moment when youngest Ruach pupil, Alice Dack, and the oldest, Ilana Keren, helped with the planting. I am sure Hilda would have approved. 

In 1969 when Freda and I joined the Synagogue, the prayer book in use was the much loved “Service of the Heart”. Through the late eighties and into the nineties the leaders of the UPLS (as it was known by in those far off days) decided it was time to look at the possibility of a new prayer book to embrace modern Jewish liturgy. Under the auspices of Rabbis Andrew Goldstein, Chaim Stern, Charles Middleburgh, John Rayner, and other luminaries, the far reaching task ahead began. Their many years of earnest labour culminated in 1995 by the introduction of “Siddur Lev Chadash”. At this moment in time a group of LJ Rabbis are in the process of formulating a new prayer book, entitled “Siddur Shirah Chadashah”. We are in the process of acquiring forty draft copies, and will be using them over a period of time in selected Shabbat morning services. Whether the councils of LJ Synagogues and their members embrace this costly exercise as necessary and meaningful, is yet to be determined. Hopefully there will be common consent; however, in my humble opinion, even if there is no consensus, in all probability sometime in the future the powers that be will publish a new prayer book. Only time will tell if they made the right decision. 

It’s hard to believe that at the end of the month we will be celebrating Pesach; it has come round so quickly. Even though most of us will have celebrated the previous evening, the Synagogue Seder which takes place on the following day Saturday 31st is always a congenial experience. This year, to encourage young families to attend, there will be no charge for children under the age of twelve. I look forward to greeting many members and hopefully their family and friends. Last year we had a very successful coach outing to Waddesdon Manor. To keep the momentum going, I have provisionally booked a trip to Beth Shalom Holocaust Education Centre near Nottingham. It is about a two and a half hour journey, but well worth the effort, because it is not a Holocaust Museum, but a learning centre, with presentations about combating anti-Semitism, guest speakers, and other educational programmes. If anyone is interested in going please let me know asap, otherwise regretfully I will have to cancel. Middle March is the cut-off point. 

Chag Sameach Pesach

 Robert Dulin

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