The HHD have come and gone for
another year, and as some of the
services were on normal working
days, the attendances fluctuated.
For the first time I had the pleasure
of leading the Rosh Hashanah Family
Service, the reason being that the
much loved Gerry Ostermeyer
decided to have a rest. Nevertheless
his involvement was
invaluable. Many
years ago when our
Rabbi was suddenly
taken ill, I had to take
over at the last
minute. It was quite a
daunting experience,
but with help from
Phyllis Freedman and David
Bickler, we managed to get through
without too many hiccups.
Thankfully the congregation were
very supportive. The famous
Hollywood actor comedian W C
Fields once famously said, “Never
work with animals or children”; with
that thought in mind I approached
my task with a sense of trepidation.
“Oh ye man of little faith”, after an
initial period of getting used to the
noise of the children, I enjoyed every
moment. It was such a warmhearted
occasion, with parents and
grandparents taking part in the
service. When the children came up
on to the bimah for the scroll
procession they were all given small
scrolls to carry around. James
Mathiason, who was the main scroll
holder, led the way; he was akin to
the Pied Piper of Hamelin - the
smiles and laughter on the children’s
faces said it all.
At end of the service the children
paraded into the
Schindler Hall,
and were
blessed under a
large tallit by
Rabbi Yuval - a
lovely moment.
My thanks to
everyone who
took part, especially Natasha KaHa
who not only led the singing, but also
played the guitar beautifully. Well
done Ilana Keren who sounded the
shofar, and in doing so managed to
silence the children. Would I do it
again next year, Gerry permitting -
you bet I would. On Yom Kippur I
helped out in the Family Service,
which was very well led by Carol
Standfield, and once again Gerry and
Natasha played leading roles. My
attendance in the main services was
obviously curtailed, but thanks to
everyone involved in making them
There are some high profile people in
the community who work hard, and
are praised for their efforts. There
are others who never seek the
limelight but their contribution to
Synagogue life is equally relevant. Ex
Synagogue Chair Michelle Golding is
not only the editor of the Gate, but
once a month she organises a
Shabbat service for Jewish residents
at Springview Care Home in Enfield.
Yearly there are also services on
second day Rosh Hashanah and
Chanukah. This year in attendance
was Rabbi Yuval, shofar blower
extraordinaire Michael Henriques,
Rabbi Michael, and Carol Standfield.
It was very moving to see the
reactions of the residents and their
families. Kol Hacavod to Michelle for
being such a mensch, and bringing a
spark of Judaism into the lives of
elderly and infirm Jewish people,
long may she continue to do so. By
common consent in beautiful
autumn sunshine our coach trip to
Waddesdon Manor was very
successful, as thirty three people
enjoyed going around the
magnificent house and beautiful
gardens. Unfortunately Freda and I
were unable to go due to a 7am
phone call from an ailing daughter,
which subsequently led to
grandchildren duties, such is life.
Next year on Sunday 13 May I have
provisionally booked Beth Shalom
Holocaust Education Centre in
Nottinghamshire. It is a fairly long
journey, but well worth the effort. If
that does not go according to plan,
Disraeli’s Hughendon could be back
on the agenda.
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