Thursday, 23 November 2017

Words From The Chair

The HHD have come and gone for another year, and as some of the services were on normal working days, the attendances fluctuated. For the first time I had the pleasure of leading the Rosh Hashanah Family Service, the reason being that the much loved Gerry Ostermeyer decided to have a rest. Nevertheless his involvement was invaluable. Many years ago when our Rabbi was suddenly taken ill, I had to take over at the last minute. It was quite a daunting experience, but with help from Phyllis Freedman and David Bickler, we managed to get through without too many hiccups. Thankfully the congregation were very supportive. The famous Hollywood actor comedian W C Fields once famously said, “Never work with animals or children”; with that thought in mind I approached my task with a sense of trepidation. “Oh ye man of little faith”, after an initial period of getting used to the noise of the children, I enjoyed every moment. It was such a warmhearted occasion, with parents and grandparents taking part in the service. When the children came up on to the bimah for the scroll procession they were all given small scrolls to carry around. James Mathiason, who was the main scroll holder, led the way; he was akin to the Pied Piper of Hamelin - the smiles and laughter on the children’s faces said it all.

At end of the service the children paraded into the Schindler Hall, and were blessed under a large tallit by Rabbi Yuval - a lovely moment. My thanks to everyone who took part, especially Natasha KaHa who not only led the singing, but also played the guitar beautifully. Well done Ilana Keren who sounded the shofar, and in doing so managed to silence the children. Would I do it again next year, Gerry permitting - you bet I would. On Yom Kippur I helped out in the Family Service, which was very well led by Carol Standfield, and once again Gerry and Natasha played leading roles. My attendance in the main services was obviously curtailed, but thanks to everyone involved in making them successful.

There are some high profile people in the community who work hard, and are praised for their efforts. There are others who never seek the limelight but their contribution to Synagogue life is equally relevant. Ex Synagogue Chair Michelle Golding is not only the editor of the Gate, but once a month she organises a Shabbat service for Jewish residents at Springview Care Home in Enfield. Yearly there are also services on second day Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah. This year in attendance was Rabbi Yuval, shofar blower extraordinaire Michael Henriques, Rabbi Michael, and Carol Standfield. It was very moving to see the reactions of the residents and their families. Kol Hacavod to Michelle for being such a mensch, and bringing a spark of Judaism into the lives of elderly and infirm Jewish people, long may she continue to do so. By common consent in beautiful autumn sunshine our coach trip to Waddesdon Manor was very successful, as thirty three people enjoyed going around the magnificent house and beautiful gardens. Unfortunately Freda and I were unable to go due to a 7am phone call from an ailing daughter, which subsequently led to grandchildren duties, such is life. Next year on Sunday 13 May I have provisionally booked Beth Shalom Holocaust Education Centre in Nottinghamshire. It is a fairly long journey, but well worth the effort. If that does not go according to plan, Disraeli’s Hughendon could be back on the agenda.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

A Tale of Three Apples

I am sure you have all discovered by now that I have been on a health and fitness drive in the past year or so. It had been an incredible journey and along the way I discovered many things about myself and broke many self-myths about my age and abilities. One major element of my health drive is food. This is how I rediscovered the Heavenly taste of apples. The history of our relationship with apples goes all the way back to the creation of the world. When Adam and Eve were created 5778 years ago (If you discount evolution and follow the traditional Jewish counting), they were placed in the Garden of Eden. This was a magnificent place, and according to one Midrash, there were a scent of apple trees in the Garden. What follows is a story that almost every child is familiar with. 

God tells them not to touch the ‘apple’ tree. The serpent tempts Eve to eat from the fruit, and Eve tempts Adam. They realise that they are naked, and it ends with their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The apple tree in this story serves as the tree of knowledge. By eating from the forbidden apple humans became wise and had an understanding of the world that no one else in the animal kingdom had before. We learned to grow crops, domesticate animals, harness fire, and more.

However, was the fruit of knowledge really an apple? The Torah gives us no clue as to the nature of the fruit. Jewish tradition does not associate this fruit with an apple. One rabbinic opinion is that it was a fig tree. Indeed, when they realise that they are naked, they grab the first thing next to them, fig leaves. Other views are that it might have been wheat or an Etrog, and more modern interpretations claim for the fruit to be a banana or a prickly pear. The apple is a Christian idea. There is a sexual connotation to the story of Adam and Eve and the temptation of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Red is the colour of temptation, and what is better for temptation than a juicy red apple. Paintings of Christian artists, such as the German Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach and the Flemish artist Rubens, feature red apples. Our first apple therefore represents the creation of the world, the formation of human society, and the agricultural revolution.

Our second famous apple belongs to Sir Isaac Newton. Young Isaac was sitting in his garden when suddenly an apple falls from the tree and hits him on the head. This apple and other falling apples around him triggered a brilliant insight in Newton, and he discovered the law of gravity. Newton’s apple, whether it did fall on his head or not, marks a milestone in the scientific revolution that changed the world. It marks the beginning of observation of our world in terms of scientific research and the formulation of theories rather than the reliance on religious and cultural myths. Newton’s apple, and the scientific discoveries that followed, helped us to build instruments that enabled a better observation of our world. It enabled us to harness the forces of nature to our needs, and the construction of mighty machines on land, sea and air. Newton’s observation of the falling apple poses a serious challenge to Biblical stories such as Adam and Eve and their passion for apples in the Garden of Eden. What could not be proven scientifically through empirical research is to be classified as no more than a myth or an allegorical anecdote. The scientific revolution was and still is the most significant challenge to religion.

Our third apple belongs to the realm of modern technology. Ten years ago the CEO of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs, waved a small device that could play music, make and answer calls, and surf the Internet. This was the prototype of all smartphones to come. Although there are so many other candidates before and after it, that particular apple device, the iPhone, represents more than any other device the information revolution. If Adam and Eve’s revolution gave us food, and Newton’s revolution gave us energy, the iPhone revolution placed in our pockets a vast and almost endless sea of knowledge. Yet, it is not only knowledge that it gave us. You can talk to it, and ask it questions, and it will give you good answers. You can ask it (nicely) to take you home, and it will. You can tell it about your aches and pains and it will find a remedy. More than that, these systems are so intelligent that they can even know about you more than you know about yourself and tell you what you want and need even before you even thought about it.

These devices gradually know more and more about your body and your mind. They can take your pulse, check your temperature, and record what you had for breakfast. We live in a world where intelligent phones run our daily lives, intelligent homes set up the heating for us and keep an eye on the neighbourhood while we are out, intelligent robots that clean for us, intelligent fridges that can ensure we are never out you do so there will be nobody to fix it after you.” With the apple from the Garden of Eden we started taking over the habitat of other animals, and clearing forests. We pushed wildlife away in order to clear way for our apple orchards, wheat fields and our domestic animals. With Newton’s apple we caused an incredible amount of pollution on land, at sea and in the air. Our world is increasingly becoming overpopulated.

We are yet to witness the full effects of the third apple. We might gain even more control of the world around us but we might not fully understand that control. We are in danger of losing our occupation and livelihood to machines. There is an increasing worry that technology will end in the wrong hands and the smart home that we installed in order to protect us will be used to attack us. Another worry is that of passive entertainment. We seem to be spending an increasing amount of time in front of screens rather than going out there and being active. Some people find it difficult to engage in conversation with one another, and many of us stopped reading books. As we benefit from all three ancient and contemporary apples that shaped the world, let us recall the blessing and the curse of these apples.  

Let us enjoy the blessing of agriculture and food, but let us avoid clearing more forests and destroying more natural habitats. Perhaps we can even create more natural beauty spots. Let us enjoy the blessing that science gave us, but also the extensive damage we cause to our world, and make an attempt to clean it up. Perhaps it is time to give up these plastic water bottles and supermarket carrier bags. Let us enjoy the blessing of information technology and the wealth of knowledge it brings to us wherever we go. Yet let us not forget to keep our minds sharp, our bodies healthy and our souls pure. And let us continue to enjoy the blessing of apples, not biblical. historical or technological apples, but real apples, that you can make a perfect strudel out of. 

Thursday, 9 November 2017

What's The Biggest Synagogue In The World?

Wikipedia would have it as the Belz Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, but for a short time on the Erev Shabbat of 18 August just passed, that certainly wasn’t the case. I know – I was there. 

And where was that? Ruth and I were on board the Royal Caribbean liner “Serenade of the Seas”, celebrating our silver wedding. These days, the Serenade ranks as a relatively modest vessel. Its 90,000 tonnes, twelve decks and space for 2,500 passengers comes well down the list of largest cruise vessels afloat. But for that Shabbat, it (or at least, as small part of it), did become the biggest shul in the world. 

We’d cruised before, and I remember the last time we were aboard I’d seen a line in the day’s cruise calendar saying that there would that evening be a self-led Erev Shabbat service. Wherever it was, I never found it. Perhaps it was in too remote a part of the boat, or there weren’t enough Jews on board to make a minyan. 

But I thought I’d try again this year when I saw the same line in this year’s cruise calendar. And after all, the entertainments team had been boasting of how many different nationalities they had on board. “And 63 Israelis…”, they had said, after going through the list of Yanks, Brits and other assorted Euros afloat. So it had to be worth a try. “I’ll see you in ten minutes” Ruth, ever sceptical, said to me as I set off. 

I found the venue easily enough, a separate area just off from one of the main dining rooms. And there were other people – about twenty. The ship had provided all of the necessaries. Two electric candles (definitely no naked flames at sea), some siddurs (definitely not ULPS), a cholla (definitely large enough to feed the whole ship) and two bottles of kosher wine (definitely not on their regular wine list). 

I thought, “well, we’ll do a few hamotzis and that will be it” – but no, we more or less did the whole service, supplemented at each break by our going around the room, saying who we were and where we were from. And as it happened, almost all of us were either from the States - or Southgate! Yes, there were indeed three families who had never met before, who lived within a 15-30 minute drive of each other and who had other mutual acquaintances. We all spent time comparing notes on schools, shuls and Rabbis. And two of the 63 Israelis - a couple from a kibbutz up near Kinneret - added to our diversity. 

And the funny thing was, I’d never seen any of the people anywhere on the ship before that moment. Perhaps that’s not surprising when there are 2,500 of you. But on the Saturday following, we kept on bumping in to each other at every turn! 

And the other funny thing is that amidst all of those nationalities (and presumably faiths) on board, I never saw publicity for any other similar gathering. No Jumu’ah, no Vedas, no Communion. Why was that? Is it just the Jews who choose to cruise? Or are we more keen than others to connect with fellow believers from around the world? Perhaps that’s something to do with there being fewer of us – we’re that much more keen to make those links. 

And so for that Erev Shabbat, the Serenade certainly was the biggest shul in the world – for me at least. It certainly made for a different and fun Shabbat and if we’re ever afloat again, I’ll look out for a repeat event. 

Julian Sampson 

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Religion School News

During the first half of term, we have focussed on the High Holidays. Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we took some of the younger students to Oakwood Park to do Tashlich: symbolically throwing away our mistakes from the past year, in the form of bird seed, which of course pleased the local ducks on the pond in Oakwood Park. However, we didn’t just focus on our mistakes. We celebrated our achievements in the past year, and chose some positive aims for the year ahead, all sealed by eating Honey Cake. Other highlights of the trip were the excellent playground, and the opportunity to wave to the trains from the railway bridge (see photograph), with one train driver whistling in response.

During Sukkot, we had Tefillah in the SPS Sukkah, and found out about the four species that make up the Lulav. Several students waved the Lulav, and we wondered whether we could grow our own Lulav in future. We will be looking into buying a Willow or perhaps a Myrtle to plant in the synagogue garden this Tu Bishevat. However, both the Palm and Etrog are used to warmer climates, and will need to grow in a greenhouse or conservatory. Before Simchat Torah, we had a fantastic visit from the Liberal Judaism youth group, LJY-Netzer, who ran fun educational activities for the students. LJY-Netzer also have a full range of holiday activities, including Hadrachah (leadership training), and you can find more details on their website: 

On Simchat Torah itself, we organised activities for children, including making our own Torah Mantle costumes, and creating model Torah Scrolls out of sweets! During November, Ruach will be visiting the Hugh Myddelton nursing home, as our Mitzvah Day project. Throughout the term, we will be collecting Tsedakah contributions for World Jewish Relief’s International Disaster Appeal. You can read more about the charity’s work at: 

For our very youngest members and their friends, our parent and toddler group, Mini-Ruach, was back in October, after a short break for the High Holidays. The next session of Mini-Ruach will be on Friday 10th November at 10am. Meanwhile, our popular Friday Children’s Service will be on Friday 3rd November at 4.15pm, and our monthly Tots Service will be on Saturday 18th November at 10am. 

Finally, after the Chanukah break, we hope to repeat the success of last year’s History Project, where we asked adult members of the congregation to come into class to talk about their childhood memories. This time the theme will be “Israel,” to tie in with the younger students’ Jewish Studies curriculum.