The Jewish world took one big leap forward last month when a group of eight women were ordained as Rabbi's in Jerusalem.
Perhaps you will think that there is nothing unusual about ordination of women Rabbis. The first woman to be ordained as a Rabbi was Regina Jonas in Germany in 1935. Regina, who was a student of Rabbi Dr Leo Baeck, refused to make do with a teaching degree and wanted to be formally recognised for her knowledge and skills. It took the courage of Rabbi Dr Max Dienemann to provide Regina with a full Rabbinic ordination. Another glass ceiling was the reluctance of the communities to employ a woman Rabbi but Regina eventually overcame this obstacle to. Like many other German Jews, Regina's property was confiscated by the Nazis and she was sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. In the camp Regina continued her Rabbinic work by supporting those who has mental crises and suicidal tendencies. In 1944, nine years after ordination, Rabbi Regina Jonas was murdered by the Nazis in Auschwitz.
Regina led the was to consequent ordination of women to the Rabbinate. The second woman Rabbi to be ordained, and the first in the US, was Rabi Sally Jane Priesand in 1972. The first British woman Rabbi to be ordained in the UK, three years later; was Rabbi Jacky Tabick. Rabbi Tabick received her ordina<on
from the Leo Baeck College, a Rabbinic institute that carries the name of one of
Rabbi Jonas’ teachers and was established by one of her colleagues and a
refugee from Nazi Germany, Rabbi Werner van der Zyl.
81 years aAer the ordina<on of the first woman Rabbi, gender plays little role in
the acceptance of Rabbinic students to progressive seminaries around the
Yet, in the Orthodox world progress has been slow and there has been strong
resistance to the idea of women serving as Rabbis. Interestingly, even though
she received her ordina<on from Liberal ins<tu<ons, Rabbi Regina Jonas
defined herself as a tradi<onal Orthodox Jew. She felt that her choice of a
career was directed by a Divine hand. She could not find any objec<on to
women serving as Rabbis in Jewish texts. In her Rabbinic thesis she justfied the women, not by using Liberal claims but by focusing on Orthodox sources. The title of her thesis was ‘Can a Woman Be a Rabbi According to Halachic
Sources?’ Based on Biblical, Talmudic, and rabbinical sources, her conclusion
was that apart from prejudice, there was no Halachic obstacle to women
The Feminist Revolution has finally hit the Orthodox world this past month
when eight women Rabbis received their semicha (Rabbinic ordina<on) from an
Orthodox Rabbi. It was only in recent years that Orthodox women were even
allowed to study Torah at a Rabbinic level. Yet, those who reached that stage
had to make do with alternative titles such as ‘Halachic Consultant’ ‘Halachic
Leader’ and even the very inappropriate <tle Rabbanit (‘the Rabbi’s wife’).
The Modern Orthodox Rabbi Daniel Landes who ordained the group of
students, told them: “You will be acting in a post-modern environment... As
Rabbis you must support the principle of respect for one another.”
The next great challenge for the nearly ordained is not dissimilar to that of
Rabbi Regina Jonas. They will need to find communities who will endorse them
as their spiritual leader. This will no doubt be an uphill struggle in a world
where Rabbis are expected to wear a suit and grow a beard, and they will need
to stand firm against vicious attacks from the ultra-conservative side of
Orthodoxy. Yet, they cannot and should not become invisible and transparent.
It took Liberal and Reform Judaism nearly eight decades to remove the gender
barrier when it comes to communal spiritual leadership. There are now a
number of women Rabbis in senior posi<ons in this country. To name a few:
Rabbi Alexandra Wright is the senior Rabbi of LJS, Rabbi Baroness Julia
Neuberger is the senior Rabbi of West London Synagogue, Rabbi Laura Janner-
Klausner is the Senior Rabbi at the Movement for Reform Judaism. Rabbi Jacky
Tabick, the first woman Rabbi in the UK, is the convenor of the Reform
Movement's Beit Din.
This is a beautiful example of the progressive movement leading the way to the
rest of the Jewish world. It would probably take a few more decades for the
newly ordained Orthodox women Rabbis and their supporters to introduce
feminism and egalitarianism to the Orthodox world.